Storm Alert



Current Space Weather Conditions

Solar Activity

White Light
White Light
White light image of the Sun, courtesy
of the Big Bear Solar Observatory.
H-alpha image of the Sun, courtesy
of the Big Bear Solar Observatory.
Expreme Ultra Violet
Extreme Ultraviolet
The Sun in extreme ultraviolet, from
the EIT instrument onboard the SOHO spacecraft.
X-Ray images of the Sun’s corona
from the GOES Solar X-ray Imager courtesy of NOAA/Space Weather Prediction Center
The solar corona, courtesy of the
LASCO coronagraph onboard the SOHO spacecraft.

Solar Wind Activity

Solar Wind Activity

Auroral Activity

Solar Wind Activity
Current Northern auroral position from the SWPC using the NOAA POES satellite.
Solar Wind Activity Current Southern auroral position from the SWPC using the NOAA POES satellite.

For additional current data, visit

Space Weather Predictions Center (SWPC)
The Solar Data Analysis Center (SDAC)
The Solar, Heliospheric and INterplanetary Environment (SHINE)
The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO)

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